Create multiple options for my platform to charge buyer by size of purchase

please see the image i have attached, i have a new gig platform and wish to create options of how much a gig may cost, based on how much it cost.

i would like to create several option, but no too many as i do not want to confuse the buyers or sellers, please reach out to me here or at my email:

I am something of a novice and would appreciate an hand or even a step by step guide to fulfill the end goal of my example, Thanks

M Bey

I’m not a Stripe employee, but it appears you need to create one product with three prices. You would need to use the tired pricing model for each price.

yes, in a way you are correct , no matter what gig is being bought or sold, when it comes down to price , the percentage taken by the platform will depend on how big the gig is, my question, is how can i express this in the stripe plugins back end, while giving the users the simplest way to make payments, with the percentage baked in to the transaction, with out the users, buyers or sellers needing to do much…if anything other than agree to work together and do and close deals?

what actionable steps do i need to take to set up such a environment for the platform, i need a road map so i do not muck it up!

thanks very much for your reply !!!