Migrate from API Sources to payment method API

How can I use migration tool ? I have actived the workbench feature but i didn’t find the migrate feature inside.

Anyone can help me? i really need to do that migration please.

Hi there — the migration tool should only appear in Workbench if you have Sources which will need to be migrated. From what I can tell your account doesn’t have any Sources that need to be updated. Did you receive an email informing you otherwise?

Hi, sorry i forgot to say, it’s a customer of my company who have receive that e-mail. We had test the workbench tool on our company account, that was a bad idea. Finally my manager logged on account of customer with Sources which will need to be migratedthen he saw the insights button

Glad that you were able to find it! Let us know if you have any thoughts or improvements you’d like to see to Workbench as you’re using it as well.