Thanks for the feedback @Shane ! We will definitely address this!
Just wanted to share some updates based off the feedback here and additional user interviews we’ve done!
A few key changes:
- Refocused the information in the delivery attempt details
- Removed the need for a second click to view the response and request data
- Grouped the response data together, including the http status code
- Added more context beside the Delivery Status and the Attempt Date to communicate if the attempt was recovered or retried automatically/manually
- Removed the ‘group by event’ view, prioritizing a flat chronological list of all deliveries (you can still filter by event ID, which would produce the same effect)
- Updated the filters to include date, delivery status, resource ID, and status code
- Updated colors of the badges
I would love your thoughts on:
- What information, if any, is missing from the delivery attempt details?
- What information, if any, is missing from the Endpoint Details tab?
- What other data visualizations would be helpful to see on the Endpoint Details tab?
Again, thank you so much for all of this feedback, and it’s been really great to partner with y’all in this process!
Successful delivery
Delivery was successful on the first attempt and no additional retries were needed.
Recovered delivery
This delivery had failed previously, but was eventually successful. There is a callout at the top of the delivery details that would allow you to jump to the latest delivery.
Failed delivery
The delivery has completely failed after several retries and all automatic retries have been exhausted.
Filtering the delivery list by event ID
Clicking on the event ID shows a list of actions, including the option to filter the delivery list. Filtering the list would show all the deliveries related to the corresponding event ID. This would replace the previously proposed ‘group by event’ view.
Endpoint details
The second tab is the endpoint details view where you can see information like the endpoint ID and signing secret. There’s also space here to present data, like response time.
DAYM, @zack-stripe, this is looking GREAT. It’s what we need!
@ zack-stripe I’m waiting with baited breath for these changes to be pushed to live. I hope your changes pass review: I think they are excellent!
Hey @bensontrent! Some of these updates should already be live! We’re still working through some of the updates to the delivery attempts list, so stay tuned!