Join the Sandboxes beta

Sandboxes are isolated testing environments for Stripe integrations. With Sandboxes, developers can more confidently collaborate and test Stripe integrations.

By joining the Sandboxes private beta, you’ll be able to:

  • Develop in parallel using multiple isolated test environments
  • Limit test environment access to those who need it
  • Seed test environments with predefined data sets using Sandbox templates

Take a tour of Sandboxes. If you’d like to be one of the first users of Sandboxes and help us build a product teams love, please fill out this form, and we’ll enable Sandboxes for your account.

Share your suggestions and feedback
We’re excited to get your input on how we can build tools to improve your testing and deployment process. If you have ideas, questions, or run into issues just create a new post in the Sandboxes category.


How do I get my developers over here? I went into settings and don’t see the option for sandbox admin role


Hi Tara,

You can learn more about granting access to Sandboxes in the Manage Access page of our documentation. If you have the permission to assign roles to others in your Stripe account, you will see a section called Sandbox Roles when trying to add a team member. The Sandbox Administrator role is in that section.

Additionally, anybody with the Developer role in your team has access to create and delete Sandboxes by default. I hope that helps resolve your question!

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Hi team,

I filled out the form one week ago,when should I expect the sandbox feature to be available on my account? I can’t wait to test it :slight_smile:

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I had filled out the form couple weeks ago, when would i get access to sandboxes?

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Hi there! Could you please fill out the details in the opt-in form again please? Thanks!


Hi there, thank you for filling out the form and expressing your interest! I do see your submission from a few days ago. You will hear from us via email soon.

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Hi @nilofer-stripe,

I have filled out the form again. Could you please review it and let me know if everything is fine? I am interested in testing and providing feedback on these new features.

Thank you!

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Hi, i had fill out the form and i don’t see any notification from my account. what should i do next for get the sandbox? Thank You

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I’d really love to start building some test workflows around sandboxes. Any chance my form submission could be approved/expedited?

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Would love access to this feature early please

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Hi have filled up the form, would really love to use this feature. hope you guys could give the approval on the earliest. thank you

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does stripe cli have to be updated? i cant find a newer one than 1.21.3 and commands like stripe preview whoami are not available.

furthermore: what is the difference between test-mode and sandbox?


Hey Stripe-Team!

Is it possible to use Stripe-Connect feature within a sandbox? E.g. on behalf etc…?

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I truly need using it with urgence. Deep Gratitude

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Hello. Are sandbox applications still being considered and approved? I filled out the form last week. Unless I’ve missed an email, I don’t believe I’ve seen any result of that. Am I just being impatient?